Cynthia made an amazing hydrosol for our daughter. In 4 years this kid has slept through the night 7 times, and 3 of those times have been since using the hydrosol, and therefore in the last 2 weeks. The remaining 11 nights she has been more peaceful in her sleep, and easier to get back to sleep after a waking period. Let me tell you how aromatherapy with a hydrosol that was custom made for her has been so good for all of us. And this mama is less fussy because I am sleeping.

I have been working with Cynthia for about a year. She has patiently, diligently, and effectively traversed the road of essential oil use for my entire household during that time. Her knowledge base seems to be never ending. I have experienced many successful outcomes from her oily suggestions, which keeps me constantly coming back for more. The dedication and care Cynthia provides to the wellbeing of my entire family exceeded my expectations from Day 1.

"Cynthia is very knowledgeable and dedicated to helping others find a holistic way to heal a person (body mind and soul). She is constantly learning everything she can about oils and how they work as well as what they work with or what should not be used with an oils. I trust her knowledge and her ability to recommend oils."

"More than a year ago I sought consultation for worsening symptoms related to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). As a multiple rape survivor as well as childhood trauma survivor... I was impressed with the sympathetic professionalism I received. I felt listened to and when I received the blend specially made for me I could hardly wait to give it a try. The first night I used the blend I noticed immediate results."

Thank you so much!!! B loves the smelling salts. She put the container in a little leather pouch around her neck for school today. She says she really likes them. And she likes the butter! I so appreciate this Cynthia. And she loved the name!

I cannot begin to tell you how much it has helped to have an expert help us determine the right blend to safely help our sweet girl relax and sleep. Cynthia was so thorough in her intake making sure that our baby girl (4 yr old) would be safe using the blend. It has been a wonderful journey with her, and we have a blend that is helping our daughter immensely.
Aromatherapy Education and Work Experience
800+ HRS
Aromatherapy Training Certified by the
Alliance of International Aromatherapists
Childcare Experience as a Nanny and Preschool Teacher
Scholars Graduate of Aromahead Institute, School of Essential Oil Studies
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk's Intensive Trauma Treatment Course
Complementary Mental Health Medicine Provider, PESI Behavioral Health Continuing Education
Teacher Training Program Graduate of Aromahead Institute School of Essential Oil Studies
Aromatherapy and Mental Health Masterclass -Salvatore Battaglia
Aromatherapy and the Five Elements Masterclass-Salvatore Battaglia
Healing the Spirit Masterclass-Salvatore Battaglia
Aromatherapy and Biofields Masterclass-Salvatore Battaglia
Sacred Scents Masterclass-
Salvatore Battaglia
Carbon Dioxide Extracts: The How, What, Where, When, and Why -
Mark Webb B. Sc, MASCC
Aromatherapy and Mindfulness Masterclass-Salvatore Battaglia
Fusion AromaTherapy for the Sick and Dying- Madeline Kerkhof RN